Section: User Commands (1)
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btoa, atob, tarmail, untarmail - encode/decode binary to printable ASCII  


tarmail who subject files ...
untarmail [ file ]  


Btoa is a filter that reads anything from the standard input, and encodes it into printable ASCII on the standard output. It also attaches a header and checksum information used by the reverse filter atob to find the start of the data and to check integrity.

Atob reads an encoded file, strips off any leading and trailing lines added by mailers, and recreates a copy of the original file on the standard output. Atob gives NO output (and exits with an error message) if its input is garbage or the checksums do not check.

Tarmail is a shell script that tar's up all the given files, pipes them through compress, btoa, and mails them to the given person with the given subject phrase. For example:

tarmail ralph "here it is ralph" foo.c a.out

Will package up files "foo.c" and "a.out" and mail them to "ralph" using subject "here it is ralph". Notice the quotes on the subject. They are necessary to make it one argument to the shell.

Tarmail with no args will print a short message reminding you what the required args are. When the mail is received at the other end, that person should use mail to save the message in some temporary file name (say "xx"). Then saying "untarmail xx" will decode the message and untar it. Untarmail can also be used as a filter. By using tarmail, binary files and entire directory structures can be easily transmitted between machines. Naturally, you should understand what tar itself does before you use tarmail.

Other uses:

compress < secrets | crypt | btoa | mail ralph

will mail the encrypted contents of the file "secrets" to ralph. If ralph knows the encryption key, he can decode it by saving the mail (say in "xx"), and then running:

atob < xx | crypt | uncompress

(crypt requests the key from the terminal, and the "secrets" come out on the terminal).  


Paul Rutter (modified by Joe Orost)  


Btoa uses a compact base-85 encoding so that 4 bytes are encoded into 5 characters (file is expanded by 25%). As a special case, 32-bit zero is encoded as one character. This encoding produces less output than uuencode(1).  


compress(1), crypt(1), uuencode(1), mail(1)




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